As an established and well respected brand in IT recruitment and managed services, DP Connect wanted to be seen to be doing things slightly differently. They didn’t want their branding just to reflect common visual recruitment cues that suggest being part of the sector. As a result they wanted to reflect their constant curiosity and thoughts on future trends, that they were interested in exceptional people and businesses, and that they operate with a high level of composure and excellence across the country.
The key message was that DP Connect unites talent and technology. They do this by identifying people or companies who want to build stronger business connections, make a difference, and grow in their markets. As a result we created a toolkit of brand elements to illustrate this by focussing on overlaying graphic elements and powerful imagery. In addition we created a flexible colour palette and a trade advertising campaign.
“I just love what Mighty have created. Memorable images
that are all about connectivity and crossovers between
life and work, knowledge and invention.
Also, thoughtful messaging gives us a lot of flexibility through
our many different communication channels.”
Jan Stevens, Corporate Services Director